Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Easy Ways of Fixing Puffy Under Eyes

Puffy under eyes can make a person appear tired, rundown, or really stressed out. However, it can also be caused by genetics. Whatever the cause for the puffiness, people just want it to go away. So what can really be done to help decrease the look of tired, puffy eyes?

Eye Creams That Work

Women who use eye creams to control puffiness have found that they usually work. Skin creams are very advanced these days. They can be used to help skin elasticity which will decrease the appearance of wrinkles. Creams are also used to rejuvenate tired skin with vitamins and nutrients. The important thing is to find a cream that uses solid ingredients.

Check Your Sleep and Diet

While genetics may play a role, the amount of sleep a person gets each night and what they eat during the day will also factor into how their eyes appear. It is ideal to at least have eight hours of sound sleep each night. If this isn’t possible then it may be time to consult with a physician to determine underlying sleep issues.

A Little Concealer Goes a Long Way

Using makeup to conceal the grey puffiness is one step many people take to correct the problem. When the business meeting is about to happen, when the date is knocking on the door, or when parents are about to arrive, makeup is sometimes a woman’s best friend. With a little makeup they can cover up any puffiness or greyness.

Limit Alcohol

A main cause for under eye puffiness that many people choose to glance over is too much alcohol. Now what defines “too much” is subjective to each individual, however, it is noteworthy that studies have found drinking more than a couple of drinks (beer, wine, etc) will cause puffiness in general.

For More Information: http://pensida.com/pensida-eye-renewal.html

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

How to Reduce Dark Circles and Other Skin Ailments

Dark circles under eyes can be really troublesome. It can make people look tired, worn down, or years older than they are. Even children can have dark circles under their eyes because of genetics. It can be hard to get rid of them, but there are things people can do to help start diminishing their appearance and impact. It all starts with sleep.

A Good Night’s Rest

Sleep is important no matter what is going on with your body. Without a good night’s rest people are more susceptible to illness and signs of distress such as dark circles. So looking at sleep patterns is a good idea when trying to reduce dark circles under eyes.

Decrease Puffiness

To help give the illusion of making dark circles disappear is to tackle the puffiness. This can be done by letting cucumber slices lie over each eye for a few minutes or by using an eye cream that helps moisturize the area without over flooding it. Cutting down how much alcohol or water you drink is another way to limit eye puffiness.

Switch Diets

Sometimes skin health comes down to healthy eating. Taking a hard look at your diet will help you determine what can be cut out or cut down. Feel free to treat yourself, but do so in moderation. Eating too much sugary or fatty foods can lead to poor skin health.

Using Concealer

When push comes to shove it may be time to reach for the concealer. Choose a color that matches your skin tone so there isn’t visible difference between the portion under your eyes and your cheeks. Make sure that the makeup doesn’t use harsh chemicals because that can cause you more problems.

How to reduce dark circles is ultimately your decision. All we can suggest is to be safe about it and to give whatever steps you take time to work.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Managing Under Eye Puffiness with Simple Steps

Under eye puffiness is another beauty flaw that knows no age. Even small children deal with puffiness either through lack of sleep or because of hereditary issues. Women and men can both have puffiness under their eyes. While women have more makeup options that doesn’t mean it is always going to be simple to manage their under eye bags. It all comes down to taking the time to make things right.

Plenty of Sleep

The first thing people should start to correct when dealing with eye puffiness is get enough sleep as sleep is the number one culprit. Not having enough sleep not only leads to irritability but causes the skin to puff up. This stems from the body not receiving enough rest in order to repair itself from the day’s activities.

Sleeping at least seven to eight hours a night is ideal for most individuals. If you find it difficult to sleep, consult with a doctor about sleep aids that are available either over the counter or with a prescription.

Essential Oils
Skin needs a lot of care. When it doesn’t receive it there will be a reaction. Using essential oils can help tighten the skin under the eye which will help decrease the amount of puffiness. By using essential oils, people can give skin what it needs to rebuild collagen and erase dark circles.

Even using a natural remedy such as cucumbers can decrease the amount of puffiness. Placing a cucumber slice on each eye allows the skin to relax. It only takes a few minutes to start seeing results. This shouldn’t be done every day, but can be done relatively often.

To handle under eye puffiness drink plenty of water, eat healthy foods, exercise often, get plenty of rest, and only use makeup or skin creams that do not strip the skin of its natural collagen.

Visit Here: http://pensida.com/pensida-eye-renewal.html

Friday, 3 July 2015

Removing Dark Circles from Under the Eyes

Dark circles under eyes can age a person quickly. Those dark blots drag down the skin making women appear to be tired and/or older than they actually are. Sometimes these circles form because of lack of sleep, while at other times it is a sign of poor skin care. Either way, there is hope for people who want to pack up and send off those bags under their eyes. 

Perk Up

Sometimes the bags under a person’s eyes are simply caused because of dehydration or not enough moisture. It causes the skin to sag and even turn a greyish color. Give skin a little love by using a skin cream or essential oil at the troubled area. This allows the skin to retain some of its elasticity.

Bed Time

Often times, a person will have dark circles under their eyes because they are not getting enough sleep. This causes the skin to lose its ability to retain tightness which leads to sagging. By sleeping for at least seven hours a night a woman increases her chances to have better skin. For those having a difficult time resting, they may want to take a look at their stress levels, alcohol intake, and even the quality of their mattress.


It may seem like a movie trick, but resting cucumber slices over the eyes is a good way to reduce eye puffiness. This doesn’t have to be done daily. Instead, think of it as something you do once a week like a facial. Cucumbers simply give skin the extra boost it needs to stop dragging. These are usually used in conjunction with a high quality face mask.

Don’t let dark circles close the windows to your soul. Let your eyes light up once again by removing those dark circles under eyes and letting that twinkle beam bright.

Visit Here: http://pensida.com/pensida-eye-renewal.html